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Congresso MV presents:

Arise, shine!

We are a Christian family living in the mountains of Brazil, proclaiming the Gospel in the context of the three angels’ message of Revelation 14.

Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham.

Video 1: A christian family from Brazil shares the good news for jewish people around the world. Get ready, Israel, to meet thy God. Jeshua is the Messiah, worship Him that made heavens, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water.

Video 2: The harlot and her daughters fell from God’s favor. Summary of the New Testament for Jews, and the history of christianity. The book of Revelation expands on prophecies of Daniel. How the wine of Babylon infiltrated Christian doctrines, the restoration of truth.

Video 3: The book of Revelation expands the prophecies of Daniel. The papacy and its plan to exalt Sunday as a day of rest. How the spring festivals were fulfilled in the year 31, and the autumn festivals at the end of the world. Great disappointment of 1844, EGW prophetess. Statutes and judgments, apocrypha and closure.

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.

Jesus said in John 14:6

Bible - Epub

1.7 MB Better than PDF. Adjustable font size, light or dark background color, opens where you left off reading. Download Kindle. Andoid, iOS

Bible - PDF

13 MB

Steps to Christ E-book

0.5 MB Step by step conversion, how to become a true son of the Most High. Open with Kindle. Andoid, iOS

Steps to Christ - Mobi/Kindle

1.1 MB – Have the Kindle app installed.

The Great Controversy ePub

0.95 MB The history of christianity written by a prophetess. Open with Kindle. Andoid, iOS

The Great Controversy Mobi

3,3 MB  Open with Kindle. Andoid, iOS