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Congresso MV presents:

Arise, shine!

We are a Christian family living in the mountains of Brazil, proclaiming the Gospel in the context of the three angels’ message of Revelation 14.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Says our Lord Jesus in Matthew 16:26

Steps to Christ - ePub

0.5 MB – A spiritual journey towards a personal relationship with Jesus, emphasizing repentance, faith, prayer, and Christian living. Before clicking, make sure you have the Kindle app installed (Android, iOS)

Steps to Christ - Mobi/Kindle

1.1 MB – Have the Kindle app installed

The Great Controversy - eBook

1 MB The history of christianity written by a prophetess. ePub format is better than PDF because it allows you turn the font bigger, highlight, change background color, etc. Open with Kindle. Andoid, iOS